Self Hosted Email

· chowwiwang's blog

For the past year I have been using Proton for my email service. I also had started using Proton Drive and Proton Pass. A few weeks ago I was laid off from work, which is why my computer used Windows; I had been wanting to get back to Linux for some time. So, due to the circumstances I was now free to return to Linux.

On Linux, there is no Proton Drive client, making it pretty much a useless service. At the same time, I've never had to send an encrypted email, nor do I recieve anything really sensitive. My inbox mainly consists of newsletters and bills. With my Proton subscription ending in a few months I pondered whether I need to renew, was it worth it? Though I do like the service and the company, I really can't justify the expenditure. This now produced the question of what to replace it with?

I've wanted to host emails for the rest of my family at one of my domains, the prospect has always seemed to costly. But if I ran my own server, it wouldn't be that bad. Also, I have about 5 domains I recieve email from, which on proton I was relying on forwards. So, I decided to give Mail-in-a-Box a go. It has been pretty easy to get going on a VPS, I have the whole family setup already also. It seems like it's going to be a fine solution. I hope I don't run into any administration nightmares.

All in all, I'm happy so far. We will give it a few weeks and report back on things.